Data Science

Our approach

At Dataminds, we help companies make better and faster decisions based on data. We have built a number of Machine Learning products to solve business problems such as Churn analysis, Forecasting, Market Sizing and Pricing.
We help our customers with: • A strategic approach to Data Science

  • Building processes 
  • Orchestrating tools 
  • Solving business problems with Data Science 
  • Operation and maintenance of models 

We always use a cost-benefit approach to problem solving based on a trade-off between value creation, complexity, and costs.

Strategic cost-benefit approach ensures success



We create an overview of current work processes and opportunities. We assess the tasks in relation to its short and long term potential with Data Science.


We prepare specific recommendations for how it is most appropriate to work with Data Science. We prepare recommendations for continuous work with Data Science based on a cost-benefit mindset.

Show value

We help with implementation and execution in line with the strategic plan. An overall vision - executed one step at a time. A clear overview of and insight into your business allows you to make faster and better decisions.

Show value, implement, and scale


Proof of concept

• Apply best practice
• Quantify improvements and quality
• Document the value
• Recommendation and roadmap


• Further quality improvement
• Setup and integration
• Testing the solution
• Optimization and troubleshooting of the solution
• Monitoring and planning

Operation and scaling

• Offers operation, support, audit and / or agreed continuous development
• Everything can be built in our platform BIG