Data Science and Business Intelligence as a service

Data Science and Business Intelligence provided as a service

With BIG we offer BI and Data Science as a service in the cloud.

We have gathered our best practices in one platform.

Today, we have more than 75 companies on the platform and not only do we offer a technical best practice, but we can also help with rollout, monitoring, operation and support.

Big Wins


Track the use of insights across the organization


Single Sign On integration and two-factor authentication


Top security


Expand the platform modularly and agilely


Get started quickly


Integrate with different data sources


Adapt the platform to your needs


Easy and flexible management of access and user rights

Communicate your insights internally in the organization

With the help of BIG you can get much more out of your data by making them accessible to the entire organization or just a few relevant departments.

BIG Solutions

Think big with data and create value across your organization.

Market and Customer Research

Be able to continuously make dynamic market and customer analyses across data sources with BIG and Power BI.

Business Intelligence as a service

Get started easily and quickly with integrating Business Intelligence in your company.

Data products

Easy and flexible distribution of data products for external and internal use.

Machine Learning and Data Science as a service

Automate Machine Learning and Data Science solutions through BIG.

Partner Setup

Get a BIG Partner solution with full access to adapting BIG to your needs.

Market and Customer Research

Market and customer analysis has historically been a field with many changing internal as well as external data sources and reporting methods.

We have optimized the use of Power BI for Market and Costumer Research, and built generic data models that can handle all the classic challenges:

  • Missing values
  • Weighting
  • Reporting rules
  • Significance test
  • Cross-tabulation needs
  • Effect analysis

With BIG, we have developed a platform that gives one entrance to all insights.

By gathering all the insights in one platform, we have proven that we can increase the usage across insights and get Market and Customer analysis back in the center of the company.

Today, BIG runs as a Market and Costumer Research portal for a number of the Nordic region's biggest companies.

We help with the infrastructure as well as advice on how to get more value out of your data and how to activate your insights throughout the organization.

BI as a service

Getting started with BI can be a big step for your business. Investments in tools and expertise can be a significant entry barrier for many companies. With BIG we have developed a shared service concept for BI, where you only pay for the use. We help to scale the solution to fit your needs. We help you get started with everything from data warehouse to reporting, and how to operate your entire BI setup through BIG. You can get started in a few weeks and you are aware of the cost beforehand. We help our customers gain insight into, and an overview of, their business. Finance, sales, pricing, forecasting and planning - all with Power BI as a service.

Data products

BIG is the optimal infrastructure for sharing data on insight level between companies. For many companies, data is an obvious product that can generate a direct income or increase the loyalty of their customers. With BIG, we offer a platform were you can share your data products with your customers, suppliers, or other partners. In Dataminds, we have developed a data product in dashboard form, where more than 1000 Danish accountants have access via a subscription. Take a look at and be inspired to a chat about how your data can be activated in relation to your partners.

Machine Learning

Throughout the last 14 years, Dataminds has helped clients build Machine Learning models for costumer scoring, products, assets, etc. Through many projects, we have experienced the complexity that our clients face when it comes to putting these models into operation. It is not necessarily a standard solution in the BI department - neither when it comes to competence or technology. Once a Machine Learning model is built, we offer operation and monitoring through BIG.

Partner Setup

BIG is not only used by Dataminds, but also by partners in Denmark, England and America.

If you wish to become a partner and use BIG to your purposes, feel free to contact us.