Spejder Sport now has "BI as a service" from Dataminds
"It has been a very positive surprise to experience how easy it is, as well as the amount of possibilities and now we cant get enough of it.
Dataminds were supposed to help us collect our analysis at a single place, so that our employees would be able to access relevant information, about our business, by only using one login. This was to replace our previous setup, in which each employee would have to make their own reports in different systems, and by doing so, making it less effective to work with and harder to maintain a clear overview, as a collective unit.
The initial idea was an economics report, but multiple new analysis have now been added, based on a range of ideas developed in collaboration with Dataminds. Besides the standard KPIs on turnover and budget, that we have today, we continue our journey by implementing continuous data sources. This consist of customer counting to measure the conversion in our physical stores, time consumption, and electricity consumption in our stores. This would have required many hours of work, if done manually.
It is rare to find business partners that are this good and serious. They take even the tinniest things seriously, conduct intense follow-ups, and dig until everything is done. Dataminds always meet the deadlines, and to put it short, our collaboration with them has been incredible. I will happily recommend Dataminds to other companies."
Torben Gammelgaard, Head of Administration, Spejder Sport