Electronic Representatives Board Election
Farum Fjernvarme have held a manual election for many years. It led to many administrative tasks. Therefore, they decided to investigate if it was a possibility to hold the election in a way were the workload could be minimized.
The challenge with doing manual elections was to collect information, splitting groups, packing envelopes with the right amount of ballots, return envelops, etc. After the election deadline the next step was the big time consuming manual counting and control with accountants and management. It was a very comprehensive work proces.
Farum District Heating’s general manager, Nighat Kamal, had, through his network, heard that Dataminds earlier on had done elections for other firms, including utility services. A meeting with Dataminds was set up with participation from the election committee of the group of private shareholders and Farum District Heating. Followed by the meeting were some positive phone conversations with consultant and partner, Kasper Pilman Kristensen, Dataminds. Based on information from Farum District Heating, he constructed an electronic polling program that matched the challenges of the firm. Based on the presentation from Kasper Pilman Kristensen, the board of directors decided to try a transition from a manual to an electronic election.