Kim Lillesøe

Partner - CEO

E-mail: Tel: +45 25 16 19 59


As one of Dataminds' founders, Kim has helped establish a strong foundation for delivering high quality data science solutions. With many years of experience and his interest in statistical analysis, he helps companies every day to see untapped potential for optimization so they can focus on their core services. Among other things, Kim has helped develop the BIG concept, which helps turn data into a valuable asset through advanced analytics and visualizations that translate the intricate data patterns into actionable results.


With a background in economics from Odense Business School, Kim combines his data analytics with business insight to ensure the usefulness of the analyses for customers. Furthermore, he has taught several statistical subjects at the School of Economics, which is now part of Aarhus University and is thus aware of new methods within machine learning, data science and other statistical methods.

Kim Lillesøe